Friday, May 20, 2022

 The Joy Comes in Twos!

It is with great delight that I can announce. . .
Call of the Cambion - Book Two of the Cambion Journals

is now available for all those connoisseurs wanting to discover more about Augustus Thorne's turbulent life and the revenge he craves to exact on those responsible for his current dilemma.

Indulge yourself by following the link below:

And the joy isn't over. . .

The opening book of the series, A Hybrid's Tale, is now available in paperback!

Something I know fans of Augustus Thorne have been itching to get their hands on.

So, if that describes YOU

Well, you know what to do. . .

A Hybrid's Tale Paperback

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

 Wanna Know A secret?

Or more than one?

Well, Today's your lucky day.

Augustus Thorne has been kind enough to agree to an interview, and you can find him over at N.N. Light's Book Heaven answering all sorts of personal questions about his private life.

If you're a fan of The Cambion Journals and Augustus Thorne's exploits,
Why not head over